[DAY 1 - 2012.06.29]
ZEPP SENDAIからスタートし、新潟、高知、広島を終えて、ライヴハウスツアー最後の地となったのは、2006年FAITHツアー以来、6年ぶりの熊本です。会場に到着したHYDE。車の窓から顔を覗かせ、待っていてくれたファンのみなさんに手を振っています……と思ったら、その手には、くまモンのチョコレートが!?郷に入れば郷に従え、熊本に入ればくまモンを持て!ですね。
It started at ZEPP SENDAI, [then onto] Niigata, Hiroshima, Kochi and now the last of the live house tour for the past 6 years since the FAITH tour in 2006. HYDE arrived, waving to fans, while hanging out the window of the van, and in his hands, a Kumamon bear?
(NOTE: "Kumamon" is a type of character for sweets and looks like this: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7192/6850044215_78024eed97_z.jpg While those are cookies, HYDE's appears to be a chocolate candy on a stick)
[Much like how] Romans do when entering [a] village, to Kumamoto bear! It is.
(I'm not too sure about this phrase. But it appears as though the narrator is making the comparison to how Romans would ride on chariots with their arm raised, as if they were charging into a city or village. HYDE's pose in the picture below seems similar to that sort of action. But since Hyde is holding the chocolate bear in his hand, as opposed to a sword or something, it's humorous and this phrase is meant to be a joke.)
K.A.Z enters the venue [with the] stage at his feet. First is a confirmation of the size of the venue and the equipment.
Having departed from Hiroshima the day before, VAMPS [are in] Kumamamoto, [which is] next in line.Last night, K.A.Z and the staff went to go eat ramen and it seems the Kumamoto dressing room is abuzz with the story. [They] looked on the iPhone at the pictures of ramen. Apparently, the [thing to do is] go eat Kumamoto ramen.
And then for some reason Arimatsu is playing the bass. (*Laughs*) [He] is quite in good shape, afterall, sticks are best.... (Not sure about this phrase)
Rehearsal begins, HYDE stretched as usual.Today, the stage is not as broad, [so] the members stretched on the floor.
After rehearsal, HYDE played the guitar in the dressing room.
This day, "COSMOS" was on the set list and had not been [previously] played too much.
During the whole tour, HYDE has been playing the guitar in the dressing room.
Just before the first live. They are examining Jin's full-body tattoo and Arimatsu overlooks.
Finally just before the show. K.A.Z is starting to stretch. It is before rehearsal, and of course, before the show that all the members begin to stretch simultaneously in or out of the dressing room. It is because physical strength is still important for the live.
During the live MC, HYDE said, "I have eaten horses. So thank you for this delicious horsemeat shabu-shabu this evening and my stomach is full. " HYDE's "ramen, go up to people?" The voice of Kumamoto, go have ramen [and] party with VAMPS. (Not too sure about this phrase)
[Thanks for the English translation to @Heather Pedroza! ♥]
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