August 22, 2012

2012.07.05 VAMPS TOKYO + eng. translation! [14°live]

[DAY 2 - 2012.07.05]

VAMPS TOKYO 2日目。HYDEは自ら運転して、愛車フェラーリで会場入りしました。

HYDE drove himself to the venue and [showed up] to the venue in a Ferrari.
So cool, huh.....Vroom, vroom....everytime the engine [was] revved, the waiting fans cheered and screamed "Kiyaa!"

(NOTE: "ブオンッ" literally reads "buon-tsu," which doesn't really make any sense. The narrator of this journal entry is mimicking the sound a car makes. In English, we typically use the word "Vroom" to mimick the sound a vehicle makes when it accelerates. Also, "Kiya" denotes the sound people make when they scream, kind of like how we say "Ahhhh!" in English.)


K.A.Z is in the dressing room playing with bubbles.A gift [he] received from fans.


HYDE [is] practicing guitar today.Today [he] is playing in the hallway for some reason.


The rehearsal begins, "Mont-Bear" [is] onstage!?!?
N? ......Look, it's Arimatsu.
Since the live at Kumamoto, fans have continued to give "Mont-Bear" gifts.

(NOTE: "N" is the literal reading for the character "ん." It this case, it is used to denote a sound the narrator of the journal entry is making. Also, as stated in a previous diary entries, "Mont-Bear" is a character from the Kumamoto area)


During this year's tour, JIN has transformed into a tattoo, mohawk and mummy man.
[For] one month, [he had] been growing out his hair, [and now] today [his] hair is cut.

Ju-kenさんがバイクのヘルメットに貼ろうとしているのは、「VAMPS TOKYO」のロゴステッカーです。
7月の1ヵ月間、ZEPP TOKYOに篭城して展開しているVAMPS TOKYO。
ちなみに、会場の中のあらゆる張り紙や、ロッカーの注意書きまで、すべて会場名は、「VAMPS TOKYO」に書き換えられていたんですよ。

Ju-ken has a "VAMPS TOKYO" sticker on his motorcycle helmet.
ZEPP TOKYO has become "VAMPS TOKYO" for one month in July.
All parts of the venue has [the] logo affixed to [it].
By the way, every poster in the venue [also] has been rewritten to [have] "VAMPS TOKYO" [on it].
Everyone was aware of [this]?


Production [to begin] shortly.
Everyone is choosing today's costume.
HYDE is wearing [the] "CHUPACABRA" Raglan t-shirt that was just completed.
HYDE's motto of making goods is "Make your own thing [you] want to wear, what you want to have."
It is quite a favorite t-shirt.


Climax, of course, was the live on this day
Stage is set using the LED [lights and] should be constantly evolving more and more, and will become more and more cool.
You [who] have yet [to] participate in the tour, please look forward to [it].

[Thanks for the English translation to @Heather Pedroza! ♥]

August 18, 2012

2012.07.04 VAMPS TOKYO + eng. translation! [13°live]

[DAY 1 - 12.07.04]


VAMPSが、ZEPP TOKYOを1ヵ月完全占拠!ZEPP TOKYOの名前をも「VAMPS TOKYO」と変えて・・・ついに、VAMPSのライヴハウスが期間限定で出現しました!!

名前だけではなく、会場は「VAMPS TOKYO」仕様になっています。至る所にVAMPS TOKYOのロゴが!

The final form of the live!?VAMPS are attempting to become legends!!

VAMPS [will] fully occupy ZEPP TOKYO for a month! And finally, "ZEPP TOKYO" has changed to "VAMPS TOKYO"... for the live for a limited time only!!

Rather than just change the name of the venue, the venue [has gone and] included the "VAMPS TOKYO" logo everywhere!

入口はもちろん、会場に入ると、VAMPS TOKYOのロゴが入った赤いカーペットが敷き詰められ・・・

The entrance of the venue is, of course, paved with the red carpet that contains the "VAMPS TOKYO" logo...


Casually in a place like this. (*Laughs*)

会場を巡ると、本当に細かく、あらゆるところにVAMPS TOKYOのロゴが使われています♪

そして、仙台公演で2日間だけ販売されたVAMPSオリジナルカクテルも、VAMPS TOKYO限定のカップで販売!

And around the venue, really detailed, the "VAMPS TOKYO" logo has been used everywhere

And [the] VAMPS original cocktail cups [that] were sold for only 2 days at [the] Sendai lives, were also sold at VAMPS TOKYO!


So, [there is] too much attention [on] drinking alcohol.
But even HYDE was drinking during the patrol of the venue!!


VAMPS TOKYOになったとはいえ、楽屋風景は見慣れたもので・・・。

The liquor contains a good feeling

Say, [the] VAMPS TOKYO dressing room is a familiar scene...

ZEPP TOKYO(今はVAMPS TOKYOです!)の楽屋は、「帰ってきたなぁ~」と、しみじみ思うくらいに馴染みがある楽屋です。



ZEPP TOKYO (now VAMPS TOKYO!) backstage dressing room is familiar and "I came back" to think keenly about ZEPP TOKYO.

Now, focus on [the] stage...

VAMPS' stage evolution is stage lighting and LED micelles!! As well, VAMPS' decorations are finely detailed.



K.A.Z stared at the VAMPS skull on the monitor speakers during rehearsal! The monitor has a gothic taste.

HYDE is down in the seats overlooking the entire [stage], [giving] fine instructions!

想いを込めたステージを更に良くしよう! と、確認に余念のないHYDEです!



The finished stage embodies the feelings of HYDE and was put into every inch of the production!!
[The] stage was trying to [convey] the feelings best! And is intent on HYDE's confirmation!

First day, the stage was noisy with sound check and I knew that it was almost time [for the live]. (*Sweats*)

K.A.Z selected a costume in a hurry and also did stretching in preparation for the live!!


The first day of VAMPS TOKYO!!


And here begins a new legend!
VAMPS has begun performance N°13!!

[Thanks for the English translation to @Heather Pedroza! ♥]

August 17, 2012

2012.06.30 Kumamoto DRUM Be-9 V1 + eng. translation! [12°live]

[DAY 2 - 2012.06.30]

熊本2日目です。いつも昼過ぎには会場入りするVAMPSとバンドメンバー。リハーサルまでたっぷりと時間はあるものの、やることもたっぷりとあります。K.A.Zは、ツアー初日にシューティングされたZEPP SENDAIのライヴ映像を見ています。なんだか、すでに懐かしい感じがしますね

The second day of Kumamoto. In the afternoon, VAMPS and staff members enter the venue.Though there is plenty of time left until rehearsal, there is still much to do. K.A.Z is watching live footage from the first day of ZEPP SENDAI.Somehow, I feel nostalgic.


And HYDE is the stage director and is having a meeting regarding the ZEPP tour. The ZEPP tour this year and in 2010 set the stage for changes to the stage VAMPS will perform on. HYDE communicated his new idea to the staff.


K.A.Z does the video check.
And of course, "Kumamon Bear" fan is also there.

VAMPS TOKYOから新しくツアーグッズに登場する「ジレ」を試着中。

Fitting the new "Gillet" VAMPS tour good from VAMPS Tokyo.
Always making sure what he is wearing looks good.


While playing the guitar, HYDE is looking at the Kumamon Bear! In the dressing room on the second day of the live, there are a lot of presents from fans. The room was once dreary, but it is now filled with Kumamon Bear goods. Indeed, it is Kumamoto!


The dressing room was commemorative to HYDE.
A picture was taken using K.A.Z's phone.


Backstage before a performance, a commemorative photo is always taken.
In this way the mood [in the picture] is, "Let's begin the live!"


The last day of the live in Kumamoto is met with much excitement. In the words of HYDE, "Kumamoto, I will come back. Keep waiting for [us]." With with that, the curtain closed. Until the next time, everyone in Kumamoto please keep waiting.

[Thanks for the English translation to @Heather Pedroza! ♥]

August 15, 2012

2012.06.29 Kumamoto DRUM Be-9 V1 + eng. translation! [11°live]

[DAY 1 - 2012.06.29]

ZEPP SENDAIからスタートし、新潟、高知、広島を終えて、ライヴハウスツアー最後の地となったのは、2006年FAITHツアー以来、6年ぶりの熊本です。会場に到着したHYDE。車の窓から顔を覗かせ、待っていてくれたファンのみなさんに手を振っています……と思ったら、その手には、くまモンのチョコレートが!?郷に入れば郷に従え、熊本に入ればくまモンを持て!ですね。

It started at ZEPP SENDAI, [then onto] Niigata, Hiroshima, Kochi and now the last of the live house tour for the past 6 years since the FAITH tour in 2006. HYDE arrived, waving to fans, while hanging out the window of the van, and in his hands, a Kumamon bear?

(NOTE: "Kumamon" is a type of character for sweets and looks like this: While those are cookies, HYDE's appears to be a chocolate candy on a stick)

[Much like how] Romans do when entering [a] village, to Kumamoto bear! It is.
(I'm not too sure about this phrase. But it appears as though the narrator is making the comparison to how Romans would ride on chariots with their arm raised, as if they were charging into a city or village. HYDE's pose in the picture below seems similar to that sort of action. But since Hyde is holding the chocolate bear in his hand, as opposed to a sword or something, it's humorous and this phrase is meant to be a joke.)


K.A.Z enters the venue [with the] stage at his feet. First is a confirmation of the size of the venue and the equipment.


Having departed from Hiroshima the day before, VAMPS [are in] Kumamamoto, [which is] next in line.Last night, K.A.Z and the staff went to go eat ramen and it seems the Kumamoto dressing room is abuzz with the story. [They] looked on the iPhone at the pictures of ramen. Apparently, the [thing to do is] go eat Kumamoto ramen.


And then for some reason Arimatsu is playing the bass. (*Laughs*) [He] is quite in good shape, afterall, sticks are best.... (Not sure about this phrase)


Rehearsal begins, HYDE stretched as usual.Today, the stage is not as broad, [so] the members stretched on the floor.


After rehearsal, HYDE played the guitar in the dressing room.
This day, "COSMOS" was on the set list and had not been [previously] played too much.
During the whole tour, HYDE has been playing the guitar in the dressing room.


Just before the first live. They are examining Jin's full-body tattoo and Arimatsu overlooks.


Finally just before the show. K.A.Z is starting to stretch. It is before rehearsal, and of course, before the show that all the members begin to stretch simultaneously in or out of the dressing room. It is because physical strength is still important for the live.


During the live MC, HYDE said, "I have eaten horses. So thank you for this delicious horsemeat shabu-shabu this evening and my stomach is full. " HYDE's "ramen, go up to people?" The voice of Kumamoto, go have ramen [and] party with VAMPS. (Not too sure about this phrase)

[Thanks for the English translation to @Heather Pedroza! ♥]

August 14, 2012

2012.06.27 Hiroshima CLUB QUATTRO [day2] + eng. translation! [10°live]



June 27th.
Today is Ju-ken's birthday!The night before the last Hiroshima [live] at midnight, they celebrated [his birthday].


そんな時でも、楽屋の雰囲気は変わらず、K.A.Zがスケボーの映像を見ていて、それを覗き込むJu-kenさん & ARIMATSUさん。

The fans also wanted to celebrate and wrote handwritten messages of "Congratulations!"
(NOTE: "otanjoubi omedetou" literally means "congratulations on your birth," but when used in terms of wishing someone a happy birthday, it can mean "Happy Birthday.")

Even then, the atmosphere in the dressing room remains unchanged. K.A.Z is looking at pictures (or video?) of him playing skateboard, Ju-ken and Arimatsu are looking into it too.



The heat of skateboarding is increased as each day rises. When the tour ends, how much is getting better?! Here, is secretly looking forward

During rehearsals, a big gift arrived on backstage!!



The gorgeous stand of flowers for Ju-Ken are from fans!!A member took a look at the surprise "goody."Ju-Ken was also extremely pleased.

K.A.Z also rode the skateboard today.



Moreover, [he] is holding a coffee in one hand. (*Laughs*)

HYDE is stretching before the live!



Today had a pleasant climate, so it was comfortable [for him] to be naked from the waist up.

HYDE played the guitar naked from the waist up, [since the weather was nice].



It could be just my imagination, [this appears] to be a different space??Also, the appearance with a bit of non-live production "becomes a good picture"' and [indeed] it is one!!

Today's protagonist (?), Ju-Ken is stretching before the show? What [he is doing]...I don't know.



Ju-Ken is very fun, so keep the lead role! (Not too sure about this phrase)

And so, [on]to the live!


During the live, Ju-Ken's birthday was celebrated by all the staff and audience members!!


Ju-Ken, really happy birthday!!
Thank you to everyone who came to the final Hiroshima live and celebrated!!

[Thanks for the English translation to @Heather Pedroza! ♥]

2012.06.26 Hiroshima CLUB QUATTRO [day1] + eng. translation! [9°live]

広島 CLUB QUATTROにVAMPS再来!!ここは、PARCOの最上階にあるライヴハウスで、会場の外が屋上スペースとなっ てるという、変わった造りのライヴハウス。スタッフ楽屋のすぐ横には、PARCOスタッフが休憩する屋外スペースがあります。たくさんのお洒落な人達が出入りしているせいか、いつもとちょっと違った爽やか (?)な雰囲気が漂っていました。


VAMPS return to Hiroshima's CLUB QUATTRO!!Here, the live house is located on the top floor of PARCO and the roof space outside of the venue has changed.
Right next to the staff's dressing room, there is an outdoor space for the Parco staff to take a break.Perhaps it was because a lot of fashionable people are coming and going, but the atmosphere is refreshing.

K.A.Z started taking out the skateboard tools when he entered the venue!!

*NOTE: PARCO is essentially a chain of malls in Japan:


Though, it is almost as if you work with children and you have to take care of the skateboard. (*Laughs*)
[When he finished] putting together the skateboard, [he] immediately jumped on it and [rode it] in the [Parco staff] hangout area.



Arimatsu also followed, riding his skateboard. Arimatsu's skateboard is "MYスケボーをGET" that was purchased in a sports store in Parco.The members will continue to skateboard.

There is [not much] time to skatebaord.When rehearsals begin, skateboarding is postponed until after [rehearsals].



Do not forget. This one is [the] day job!!
On the other hand, HYDE practices the guitar on this tour without fail!



[You get] tendonitis playing the guitar and practicing too!!

HYDE chooses a costume for the [live] that day!



Today has a rock-flavor ambience!

Live is...


[The costumes] were fierce rock costumes! (or maybe "they showed a belt heavy enough not to lose the costume!")

[Thanks for the English translation to @Heather Pedroza! ♥]

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