July 27, 2012

2012.06.12 ZEPP SENDAI + eng. translation! [1°live]

いよいよスタートしました「VAMPS LIVE 2012」!!

スタートの地は“仙台”。2008年、VAMPS初のツアーのスタートも仙台からでした。約2年ぶりのVAMPS再始動に相応しいこの地から、「VAMPS LIVE 2012」も始まります。

会場のZEPP SENDAIは7月1日を持って閉館するとのことで、いくつかの限定企画を行いました。

VAMPS Live 2012 has finally started!!

The tour starts in Sendai. In 2008, Sendai was also the location of the start of the tour. It was appropriate to start in Sendai for the first time in over 2 years.The Zepp Sendai venue was closed on July 1st for planning.


ZEPP SENDAIの会場前に特大パネルを展示!ここで、ZEPP SENDAIの背景にVAMPSとも撮影が出来るという、二度おいしい企画です♪

Zepp Sendai venue prior [to the show] with extra large panels [outside].Here, you can take a picture with VAMPS with Zepp Sendai in the background.

And then….



Bracelets conveying VAMPS’ hopes of recovery from the [2011] earthquake was distributed to everyone who attended [the show].VAMPS and staff hope for early reconstruction.

Prior to the start of the tour, what worried me was the [tour] pass. [In] this first tour diary, the tour pass that will be carried around by staff members is unveiled.


話を戻しまして、ZEPP SENDAI限定企画のお話。

最後に・・・ZEPP SENDAI公演の一番の企画!それは、ライヴ中の記念撮影です。VAMPSがみなさんとの新しい思い出を作りを、ということで実現した企画!撮影した記念写真は、ご来場いただいた方にダウンロードいただけるようにしました。ダウンロードされた方は、ZEPP SENDAIでの思い出と一緒に大切にしてくださいね。

This year it’s leather!!I’ve created this to travel with for a long time. There is no compromise. We will have this pass [when we travel] around the whole country!

Now I will return to the story, the discussion about the Zepp Sendai planning.

In the end, the best planning [went into the] Zepp Sendai performances! It is commemorated in the photo. VAMPS made new memories with you, [which was achieved] from all that planning. The commemorative photos taken are for those who attended the lives to download and enjoy. If you download them, please cherish them with memories of Zepp Sendai.


From now on, VAMPS will continue with the tour!Also, this tour has become synonmous with the word “siege” as VAMPS tour across the country’s live houses.

[Thanks for the English translation to @Heather Pedroza! ♥]


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